Post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorder, depression and low self-esteem are extremely common among the children we work with in various health programs. Treating these conditions and other mental health afflictions with medication alone has limited effectiveness. Our mental health program looks beyond medical therapy and seeks to use a holistic approach in helping our beneficiaries cope with their problems.


Our Paint to Empower (P2E) program run in partnership with The Crimson Canvas, and other creative programs are aimed at fostering holistic development among our younger beneficiaries and provide a creative outlet to escape the stresses of life for our adult beneficiaries. Through this program we have reached over 2,000 individuals including 500 children who are on a current art mentorship program with our team.


More often than not, people with mental health afflictions and troubles only need someone to talk to and confide in to feel a sense of belonging. We organize counselling and therapy individual and group sessions for all of our beneficiaries especially those who are identified to be at an elevated risk for mental health problems.
Be it diya painting workshops during Diwali, or cultural dance programs during Eid al-Fitr, or the games and gifts programs during Christmas, our team works hard to help children enjoy these holidays and experience the kindness and generosity of the rest of society thereby helping them understand that they have not been forgotten.
Reach Lives volunteers including enthusiastic students from Presidency College organized Operation Christmas Cheer during December 2021. Our volunteers were able to fundraise, collect and wrap over 10,000 gifts ranging from stationary to arts and crafts supplies and from clothing to toys.
On the 16th of December, the volunteers decked up two auto-rickshaws as reindeer and after a flagging off ceremony with Mrs. Meenakshi Krishna Byre Gowda, toured the city of Bengaluru visiting several partner orphanages and spreading holiday cheer among over 2,000 children by organizing group dances and games and distributing the gifts.
This could not have been possible if not for the support of our volunteers. Join us as a volunteer in our next project. Read more about Christmas Cheer from the press reporters who decided to join in.